OK. I've gone through my shots from the race on 06/20/07, dumped the really *really* bad ones, and put everything else up online at my pbase gallery. Check 'em out.
If you want copies of the pbase-sized images, you're free to right-click and save-as. Free for blog/web/email whatever non-commercial use you want. If you want full sized digital ($10) or prints ($25 including shipping), shoot me an email and we'll work out the details. Any full sized digital or print will be far better quality than the small shots on pbase. Those shots were bulk-resized, and not tweaked at all. I'll take good care of the full-sized shots.
Here's a shot I spent some time on this afternoon. I took the shot of Camp from my earlier post and cloned out the other rider (sorry buddy). It came out pretty well (IMNSHO). Photoshop skills are coming along. Slowly.

Here's one more. This is the "oh shit" moment when the guy from my last post looks down and sees the ginormous gash in his leg. He's OK. He posted on the MORE forum that the gash was 5"x1"x1", and I believe it. It took 30 stitches to put him back together. 15 *under* the skin (effing OUCH!) and 15 *in* the skin.

I realize now that had I been a more seasoned photojournalist, I would have kept snapping detail shots of him and his injury with one hand, while dialing 911 with the other. Damn it. I guess these things come with experience.
can you photoshop me getting some air on my bike?
I guess no one is that good at photoshop
Nice shots man! Looks like you're stepping up with the big boys now.
Gwads: maybe with another year or two of Photoshop practice under my belt. Check with RickyD. He's got mad Photoshop skillz.
DT: not sure about the big boys, but I am trying to earn some beer money! Wish me luck!
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